30 May 2017
Competition for benefits of second citerzenship is global

Competition for benefits of second citerzenship is global

Citizenship by Investment Programmes (CIPs) in the Caribbean have been the subject of much criticism, even though the financial and economic benefits ...
23 May 2017
OAS compromised by  its Secretary-General

OAS compromised by its Secretary-General

The Organization of American States (OAS) has lost credibility as a multilateral institution capable of contributing to a resolution of the growing co...
16 May 2017
Inglorious Empire:  Parallels of Indian and West Indian exploitation

Inglorious Empire: Parallels of Indian and West Indian exploitation

The yearnings for power and wealth of the stone-cold dead British Empire echoed amongst the older generation throughout the shires of Britain during...
09 May 2017
Globalization: disadvantaged small states

Globalization: disadvantaged small states

Globalization was originally a construct of industrialized nations whose economic activity had developed sufficiently to withstand competition withi...
25 April 2017
Women as politiical leaders- not a gender issue

Women as politiical leaders- not a gender issue

Modern history is showered with women as political leaders and Heads of Government. When women first emerged in these roles, it was regarded as ‘...
04 April 2017
OAS dysfunctionality requires Charter review

OAS dysfunctionality requires Charter review

On March 28, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) experienced a public spectacle of disarray that, in 36 years of dipl...
28 March 2017
Commonwealth Free Trade: a British straw man?

Commonwealth Free Trade: a British straw man?

A Commonwealth Free Trade Area (FTA) would go down in India ‘like a lead balloon’.  That’s the opinion of Indian Member of ...
21 March 2017
Alternative facts and undisclosed sources in citizenship by investment

Alternative facts and undisclosed sources in citizenship by investment

The Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP), operated by many countries in the world, including the US, Spain, Switzerland, Malta and Portugal to ...
07 February 2017
Political leadership in the Caribbean

Political leadership in the Caribbean

The remarks in this commentary were spoken in a television interview in Grenada on the day that Fidel Ruz Castro, the former president of Cuba, died...
31 January 2017
President Trump’s policies and the Caribbean

President Trump’s policies and the Caribbean

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, is systematically implementing the pledges he made during the presidential election campa...