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G7 Leaders show their true colours

G7 Leaders show their true colours

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EDITOR:The Group of Seven (G7) is made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom.These seven economies are the richest economies in the world with a global sphere of influence that is unparalleled. They share similar values along political, cultural, and military lines. This is the ultimate boys club. These seven nations articulate and set the vision that defines what other countries do. In other words, and this is no exaggeration, these countries determine what the world looks like and where it goes. It is time that we, as liberated and thinking people, stop following blindly the elements of the G7’s vision that do not align with our own vision.

The G7, through its hydra-like tentacles, have been at the forefront of the move towards climate control. In simple terms, the argument states that fossil fuels – coal, oil, and gas – cause the climate to change in such a way that it results in destructive weather patterns, generate numerous geopolitical conflicts around dwindling resources and cause general instability. Some would even argue that the fossil fuel industry drives racial, gender and economic injustice. The solution therefore is to move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy, which, as the thinking goes, would become the panacea for all the world’s ills, such as joblessness, injustice, crime, and bigotry to name a few. Oh, and it would help the climate to behave.

Here is the thing though. The world’s biggest economies need energy to maintain their position atop the pile. They also need the world delicately poised at such an angle that it maintains their status quo. Russia may just have inadvertently revealed the true colours of the G7 and their puppets when they invaded Ukraine (sorry, undertook a military operation according to their propaganda machine media).

When Russia moved into Ukraine (according to them, to peacefully, but poised to use force if called upon, liberate those citizens who were being subjected to tyranny), they came under fire from the European Union (EU), a de facto member of the G7, and the rest of the “civilized” world.To show they were serious, and they were not just talking for the sake of talking in front of their propaganda machine media, they decided to sanction Russia. The thing with bullies is that they do not want you to fight back. The minute you do, you expose them.When Russia fought back by threatening to turn off the oil from Germany and other parts of Europe the G7 decided that something needed to be done.

Well, something was just done.

When the G7 met recently in Germany to continue meeting their massive energy needs, maintain local food prices and keep their people happy and comfortable, they agreed to offer finance (over three billion dollars) to explore and develop new fossil fuel reserves.

Wait!!! Are you saying that the G7 are the biggest users of fossil fuels and therefore the main contributors to climate change? Are you saying that the G7 is trying to limit climate change brought about by consuming fossil fuels and at the same time funding new exploration into getting more fossil fuels? But won’t that make climate change worse? I thought we had more fossil fuels than we needed and now was the time to invest in renewable energy.

The point is this, the G7 and the other mechanized countries that blindly follow their lead and narrative, are morally corrupt, self-centered and cannot be trusted to determine for countries like St Vincent and the Grenadines what the future should look like.

St Vincent and the Grenadines needs to develop its own vision for its future. A vision based on equitable distribution of wealth gained through owning and utilizing its own resources, holistically educating its own people, eliminating corruption, emphasizing integrity, promoting righteousness, and showing justice to all its citizens.

KES Lewis