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Some thoughts for the New Year – 2020

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A decade has gone by and another begins. It is 2020. It is a time for reflection like we do at the end of each year. It has become a ritual. Many make resolutions at the beginning of the year, but half way through they tend to abandon them as the memories of the New Year fades. Make this year special by clinging to your resolutions.

To improve you must look at the past and see where you went wrong. Talk to others about ways of getting rid of bad habits. You have always heard that smoking is bad for your health. Do not start this at any time in your life. If you are already a smoker, think seriously of how to stop the practice before you are hooked on it and it becomes an addiction. If it is at this stage you definitely need help. You cannot do this on your own. I have heard so often of blackened organs especially the lungs. My good friend died of a heart attack. She smoked all her life. I know the dangers of hearsay and I am not an expert on this but I have heard far too many sad stories, I have seen far too many sufferings and most importantly I believe these sad stories. So I am asking you to take the step and make this serious resolution for this New Year.

Alcohol is also a danger to life especially if you are labelled as a alcoholic. Try to cut the habit and put many more years to your life. I have seen alcoholics who made drastic changes and become healthy functioning individuals in our society. I have seen many who became menaces to society and those who actually destroyed their lives and relationships with members of their families.

I encourage all those who go down these tracks to make some serious considerations about self. Again I am not an expert, I am a layperson and I do hear sad stories.

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions about your health. Hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes are prevalent in our country. They are not contracted from inhalation of virus like colds and flu or invading bacteria. They are caused by lifestyles associated with what we eat and drink. From childhood we are fed sweet and starchy food. They are all around us, sweets, such as fudge, sugar cakes, aerated drinks and candies. We become dependent on them and can’t enjoy the vegetables that are good for us. Go online or find a dietician to advise about foods suitable for your health. More importantly, eat healthy foods. Make sure you have a balanced diet. Make sure you do not overeat because it can result in overweight. Obesity is another health problem in our countries. It is a disorder that involves excessive body fat. Obesity increases the risk of health problems. Look at your intake of carbohydrates and fats. Do not go on a binge and consume too much food especially at this time of the year.

What we can do to avoid some health problems is to exercise, not only to keep the weight down but also to support the body functions. We can get a gym subscription or simply walk especially for those who sit for most of the day. People who are in sedentary jobs must make this effort that would be beneficial.

Make your resolutions and do not abandon them. Happy New Year!

Ada Johnson is a solicitor and barrister-at-law.E-mail address is: