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Keeping you aware and abreast

Keeping you aware and abreast

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VIRUSES ARE transmitted when a person breathes in the droplets from another person who sneezes or coughs. Yes, it takes two persons to set the influenza button ticking and the common cold to become a reality. One gives and the other takes. It is also transmitted when persons introduce the virus to the mouth after touching clothing or hard surfaces that have the virus.

From time immemorial we have been plagued by the common cold and influenza, but these could come to an end if we are more careful, take precautions and develop better health practices.

What is worrisome is the nonchalant way many of these carriers of viruses go about. The fact is that people can die from an attack of the flu virus. Older people and those persons with other complications such as pneumonia can die from a bout of flu.

The very young can also succumb because their immune system cannot with stand the attack.

You would remember the chikungunya and the suffering of victims. The Aedes aegypti mosquito had to bite. It did not take another human being to transmit it. It only took the consciousness of people to know that they needed to eradicate the mosquitoes or to use repellent for preventative reasons.

The transmission or non-transmission of viruses is highly dependent on all of us. If we make the effort, viruses could be a thing of the past. Commit your self to the eradication of all viruses by doing the right thing. There is hope if we make the effort. Make your resolve to cease the spread of these dangerous viruses. We have an obligation and a civic duty to make sure that the viruses do not spread. It is not difficult to discern when someone has a cold or flu.

We need to be vigilant, It is difficult for the sufferer to hide the symptoms. So the first thing is to quietly leave the area. You cannot risk your health because of pleasantries. If you cannot do this when a person coughs or sneezes, cover your nose or mouth. Those who do not get the disease are those who went to lengths to avoid it.

If you would reflect you would recall where you came into contact with the virus. Start today to avoid virus by doing what is right. As I said before, you could get it put your hand on infected hard surfaces and then touch your mouth or face.

If the person near to you in church offers a handshake and you know that person was coughing, you can politely decline.

I believe the other person would understand.

You have heard quite a bit of news about the coronavirus, named (COVID-19) by World Health Organization (WHO). WHO declared it a public health emergency.

Hope it doesn’t come to our shores. The coronavirus has been around for a while, but this is a more dangerous strain, which started in China and has since spread to some 74 countries. Not only is it infectious but deadly.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, “Coronavirus spreads when people are in “close contact” and through “respiratory droplets” that are produced when someone who is infected coughs or sneezes.” It is also possible that a person can get sick from touching their face after touching something contaminated by the virus. It recommends washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching face. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects touch regularly. People have recovered but some have died..

People who come from infected areas can bring the disease with them.

Hope it doesn’t come to our shores.

● Ada Johnson is a solicitor and barrister-at-law.E-mail address is: